main of Arthritis Care Is Similar for Humans and Their Pets

Arthritis Care Is Similar for Humans and Their Pets

Arthritis is one of the most common ailments for people planetwide. In its most basic form, arthritis is simply a case of inflammation around the joints. Arthritis causes the joints to become very stiff and move incorrectly. In addition, arthritis can be quite painful. Some people turn to pain relief and inflammation reducing medications on a daily basis due to arthritis. 

It may be surprising to learn, but humans aren’t the only creatures that get arthritis. Arthritis can occur in many of our common pets. Cats can get arthritis, but the most common pet to get arthritis is the dog. Arthritis isn’t the only thing that can affect a dog’s joints, but it is certainly one of the most common. In many cases, some of the lifestyle changes and treatment that humans choose for arthritis are also great ideas for their pets as well! This similarity of suffering and treatment can even deepen the bond between a person and their pet. 

How Humans Get Arthritis

There are many forms of arthritis that a human can get. The most common is osteoarthritis. This comes when joints are used heavily throughout the lifespan of a person. Essentially, the body suffers a natural breakdown due to wear and tear in the cartilage around the joints. 

Rheumatoid arthritis is also a common form of arthritis. Rather than being caused through wear and tear, the body instead uses the immune system to attack the areas around the joints. This mistake of the immune system can’t easily be stopped. 

Psoriatic arthritis is another form of arthritis and is common to people who suffer from psoriasis. Typically somewhere between 10% to 30% of people who suffer from psoriasis will also have to deal with psoriatic arthritis. 

In addition to those three common forms of arthritis, there are many others as well. Some of the other types of arthritis include Gout, Behcet’s Disease, Ankylosing Spondylitis, Fibromyalgia and Reactive Arthritis. 

How Animals Get Arthritis

Arthritis in pets is very common, especially in dogs. The most common cause of arthritis in pets and dogs is age. As they age, the cartilage layer around bones becomes damaged and friction increases and causes pain. New bone will also form in the area where the cartilage is damaged, so the joints become much more stiff. This is very similar to osteoarthritis in humans. 

Over time, joints within dogs become damaged. This can be due to previous injuries and trauma. It’s possible for joint instability to form after ligament damage occurs. The cartilage may no longer develop properly. From these situations, arthritis begins within the dog. 

Similar Treatments

Both people and pets will find that they may use medication to help treat arthritis. Typically the goal of the medication is the same in each, and that’s to reduce the inflammation around the joints. Obviously this depends on the type of arthritis that a person is suffering from. 

There are lifestyle changes that both humans and dogs can work on. The first is to make sure that they are getting enough exercise. This may sound counter-productive and painful, but proper exercise helps reduce stiffness. Taking a dog for regular walks is a good way to allow for proper exercise for both. Reaching an appropriate weight also makes a big difference. Overweight humans and dogs are putting more pressure on the joints thanks to the extra bulk. By finding a healthy weight level, less stress is put on the joints. 

Another important lifestyle option is to simply avoid situations where people and pets are forced to undergo movement that causes a lot of pain. Stairs can be quite the problem for people who develop arthritis in their hips or knees. The same is often said for dogs. They also struggle when forced to jump to reach items like the sofa or bed. Sometimes, ramps or stairlifts can make things much easier for both people and their pups.