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LASIK Surgery Improves Many People's Eyes

Many people's eyesight is a constant source of irritation. Whether it is the difficulty reading signs, watching TV, or just seeing in general, this can be caused by many reasons, including cataracts and glaucoma. Poor vision is something that used to be unavoidable and people just had to live with. Thankfully, we live in a world where many vision problems have some correctable options. 

There are a few different treatments available that can help you see better again. LASIK surgery is one such treatment that has been proven effective for many patients who have undergone the procedure. This article will discuss LASIK surgery, how it works, some risks involved with the procedure, and more!

What Is LASIK?

The LASIK procedure is referred to as Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis. This procedure uses a laser to correct your vision by removing layers of cornea tissue until the desired shape and thickness are achieved.

It is a surgery that is done on an outpatient basis and typically only takes a few minutes. The effects are immediate, and most people can see 20/20 or better after the procedure.

How The Procedure Works

While LASIK is a quick surgery that is over quickly, it may be necessary to be put under during the process to reduce any discomfort you might feel from exposure to your eye area.

Sometimes a protective shield will also need to go over your eyes before going under so that no fluids enter them while they are closed. Once you're out, there should be little pain involved with this procedure! You'll wake up just fine without any problems whatsoever. 

The correction happens in two steps: first, during a consultation with one of our doctors, they will map out the specifications for how much tissue needs to be removed from each layer. Then, this information is transferred into the same type of laser used during surgery.

After preparing your eyes for LASIK using eye drops or other medication depending on what was initially discussed with you at your consultation appointment, the surgeon creates a small flap inside one of your eyelids so they can access the surface of the cornea.

The surgeon then uses the laser to remove layers of cornea tissue, gradually inching towards your desired correction. Once enough tissue is removed, the flap is put back into place and heals over time. The entire procedure takes about ten minutes per eye.

Risks of LASIK Surgery

LASIK surgery is an excellent, safe procedure that can be done on many people. However, it's essential to discuss the risks with your doctor before going through any surgical procedure. One of the biggest reasons for LASIK failure is dry eyes and not being appropriately treated by specialists specializing in this condition.

There may be some side effects, such as:

  • Blinking difficulties that can last up to two weeks after the procedure
  • Dry eyes for at least three months post-surgery and indefinitely in many cases (though there are ways to manage this)
  • Tingling or discomfort around the eye area during the first few days following surgery

The other significant risk factor for poor postoperative results from LASIK Keratomileusis surgery are corneal diseases such as keratoconus or severe scarring caused by eye trauma. This includes previous infections and injuries (such as chemical burns). It is recommended that you consult an ophthalmologist if you have any of these conditions before considering laser vision correction.

What Does Laser Vision Correction Cost?

The cost of laser vision correction varies. The average price is $2000 to $3000 per eye, but prices can be as high as $4000 or more for each eye if other treatments are needed in conjunction with the surgery.

Through LASIK, the cornea is reshaped in order to reduce or eliminate nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism in patients with normal eyesight. LASIK eye surgery has been performed since 1997 on more than three million people worldwide with an excellent safety record.