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Spotting Heart Attack Symptoms Means Rapid Treatment

The heart is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body. There are times when it does not manage to do so however. There are times when the blood flow can be blocked and a heart attack occurs. Heart attacks are one of the most serious and life threatening medical emergencies that can occur. Heart attacks are also called a myocardial infarction. 

Since it’s so dangerous to suffer from a heart attack, knowing the symptoms is very important. Getting emergency help quickly is the best way to help survive a heart attack. Calling 911 or getting other emergency help if nearby is the most crucial aspect to helping a person survive their heart attacks. 

Heart Attack Causes

As mentioned, heart attacks are caused when the blood flow throughout the body is stopped. One of the coronary arteries (or multiple become blocked due to the buildup of various substances in the body. Plaques of cholesterol build up on the blood vessels. When they break off and rupture, they can cause a blockage and clot in the blood flow. Blockages in the blood flow can be full or partial. In some cases, blockages in the arteries aren’t the only cause of heart attacks. Sometimes the coronary artery can spasm and shut down the blood flow that goes to the heart. 

There are a wide variety of risk factors that makes it more likely that you may suffer from a heart attack. Most of them are related to various health issues that occur throughout life. Some of them include: 

  • Age
  • Obesity
  • High Blood Pressure
  • High Cholesterol Levels
  • Diabetes
  • Stress
  • Smoking
  • Genetic History
  • Physical Inactivity
  • Using Drugs
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Autoimmune Conditions

Common Heart Attack Symptoms

There are several signs of heart attack symptoms that can occur. Severity can vary from person to person. While some symptoms show suddenly, seemingly out of nowhere, others can show symptoms in the weeks before. Angina (pressure on chest during exertion that goes away during rest) is often the first sign for non-immediate heart attacks. Symptoms can include: 

  • Pain - This is the most noticeable symptom. It’s common to feel pain in the chest and arms. It can also spread to a person’s neck, jaw or back. 
  • Pressure and Tightness - This tends to occur right alongside the pain in the same areas. It can also be thought of as a squeezing sensation. In severe forms, it’s been described as someone parking a car on the sufferer’s chest. 
  • Shortness of Breath - Those undergoing a heart attack may find they are struggling to breathe properly. 
  • Sweating - Specifically this symptom manifests itself as cold sweats. 
  • Unexpected Dizziness/Lightheadedness - Suffering from a heart attack can cause people to feel dizzy or lightheaded and feel like they need to sit down or risk falling over. 

Heart Attack Symptoms in Women

It’s certainly possible for women to suffer from the same heart attack symptoms as men in many situations. However, in many other cases they are far more subtle. This is part of why heart attacks are fatal more often for women. 

Specifically, women may get pain in lesser amounts in the back or jaw areas. These are often blamed on other medical issues, since a heart attack is “supposed” to be severe pain and tightness in the chest. Women also often may suffer from nausea or vomiting before or during a heart attack. Again, this can be attributed to many other issues and conditions. Women are also more likely to be dizzy, lightheaded or faint outright. 

Many women have a natural tendency to explain away the symptoms as something from another condition. They are concerned about their family. However, feeling any of the potential symptoms in small amounts should lead to calling 911.