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Skin Conditions & Skin Health

Your skin is your largest organ. Your skin covers your entire surface area, and helps to protect you from bacteria, viruses and more. Your skin also helps to regulate your body temperature. It is important to take care of your skin and protect it. Your skin can be subject to a variety of different conditions which may irritate and damage your skin. Keep reading to find out more about common skin conditions and how to treat them.

Common Skin Condition Symptoms

It is important to keep a close eye on your skin and look for changes in moles, skin texture and appearance. A few common symptoms that people with skin conditions may experience include:

  • Itchy skin
    • Itchy skin can be localized or widespread. It may be associated with a red rash, blisters, bumps and dry skin. There are many different causes of itchy skin, with the most common causes including toxins on the skin, medications, allergic reactions, insect bites, diseases, skin cancer, infections, parasites, rashes and irritation.
  • Bumps on skin
    • Bumps on the skin may be localized to a certain area, or may be widespread. Bumps on a person’s skin may be small, large, slow-growing, fast-growing, evolving, red, fluid-filled, sore or scaly. Bumps on skin may be caused by injury, infections, tumors, allergic reactions, irritation and more.
  • Red dots on skin
    • Red dots on the skin can be confined to a certain area of the body, or may be widespread. Red dots on the skin is a common skin complaint and often may be accompanied by itching and dry skin. Red dots on the skin may be due to irritation, allergic reactions, tumors, bleeding disorders, hives and infections.
  • Dry skin
    • Dry skin may be localized to a certain area of the body, or may be widespread. Dry skin may be accompanied by itching and flaking. Widespread dry skin may be caused by eczema, hypothyroidism and dry climates.
  • Dry skin patches
    • Dry skin patches are localized to a certain area. Dry skin patches may cause itching, redness and inflammation. Dry skin patches may be caused by eczema, allergic reactions, irritants, medication, diabetes, hypothyroidism and more.
  • Skin lesions
    • Skin lesions may be localized or widespread. Skin lesions may be itchy, painful, tender, small or large. Skin lesions may be caused by irritants, allergic reactions, trauma, acne, infections, burns, insect bites, tumors, diseases and more.

Common Skin Conditions

There are many different conditions that can affect the skin in a variety of different ways. These skin conditions can range from mild and temporary, or can be significant and chronic. A few of the most common skin conditions and treatment options include:

  • Eczema
    • Eczema is a long-term skin disease. It can cause the skin to feel dry and itchy. It can also cause cracking and rough texture. Eczema can also affect certain areas of the skin including behind the knees, elbows, hands, feet and face. It can be triggered by certain irritants, allergens, climates and stress. There are many ways to treat the symptoms of eczema including using mild cleansers, avoiding triggers, wearing breathable materials and avoiding washing with hot water. If eczema is persistent, you may want to schedule an appointment with your doctor for further treatment options.
  • Acne
    • Acne is a condition that affects your pores and oil glands. The glands produce sebum which is connected to the pores through a follicle. If the follicle becomes clogged, a pimple may occur. Acne is extremely common, with many people experiencing the condition at some point in their life. Acne primarily affects the face, chest and back. Acne can be treated with a variety of different cleansers, spot-treatments or dermatologist-recommended treatments.
  • Dermatitis
    • Dermatitis is a type of skin inflammation which can cause the skin to be cracked, itchy, dry, swollen and red. There are different types of dermatitis including atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, nummular dermatitis, neurodermitis, stasis dermatisis, dyshidrotic dermatitis and seborrheic dermatitis. Dermatitis may be caused by an allergic reaction, irritant, stress, fungus, poor circulation, hormonal changes and more.
  • Psoriasis
    • Psoriasis is a skin disease that causes thick, red and scaly skin. It can also cause cracked skin, itching and patches of rough skin. Psoriasis often affects the scalp, lower back, face, soles of feet and palms of hands. Psoriasis often looks like other skin conditions, and a sample may be required to make a diagnosis. Psoriasis can be treated in a variety of different ways- depending on the location and severity of symptoms. Common treatment options for psoriasis includes light therapy, doctor-recommended treatments, dietary supplements, avoiding triggers and soothing lotions including aloe vera and cocoa butter.

Skin Health

It is important to take care of your skin, and keep an eye out for any changes or issues. Your skin needs to be protected from the sun to prevent wrinkles, sun damage and skin cancer. You should also make sure that you use mild cleansers, avoid washing in hot water and moisturize regularly. If you have any concerns with your skin, you should make an appointment with your family doctor or dermatologist.