main of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Symptoms and Treatment

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Symptoms and Treatment

In the past when people thought of obsessive-compulsive disorder, it was almost treated as an affectation. Someone who felt compulsion to clean to a huge degree for example was thought of as a bit eccentric. The truth about obsessive-compulsive disorder is that it’s a far greater issue than that. While there are some people with minor issues, OCD can be grander in stature and often require help to manage.

People with obsessive compulsive disorder (or OCD) will find they are often driven to do things that they feel are necessary. Order and structure are very common. So is cleanliness. For example, people with severe OCD will often be known for washing their hands over and over. These needs can be very damaging to the body, but the mind requires them to be completed in order to be satiated.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Symptoms

Since obsessive-compulsive disorder comes with such a varying range of severity, the symptoms can be very small or can be quite severe. As the name suggestions, the symptoms end up being broken down into two sections. The first is obsessive thoughts. The second is compulsive behaviors. Not everyone suffering from OCD has both of these symptoms. While that’s common, many people only have one side of the potential symptoms. Here are symptoms to look out for:

Obsessive Thought Symptoms:

  • Fear of Contamination - Many people refer to themselves as “germaphobes”. This is typically a symptom of OCD. These people
  • Overt Religious Beliefs - Believing in a religion is certainly not wrong. However these are the people that are often referred to as extremists. Their faith becomes so strong that it becomes a negative to their life and very damaging to themselves and often others around them.
  • Belief in Perfect Order - This often refers to people who need an exact symmetry and that everything must be perfectly in its place. While this is often expressed through things like house decorations, it can also be a requirement for perfect order in social or employment situations.
  • Fear of Loss of Control - This can be a big issue. Many people with severe OCD have dangerous violent or sexual thoughts. They can focus on these extensively. Linked with these is often the fear of giving in to them.

Compulsive Behavioral Symptoms:

  • Excessive Checking - This is often seen with things like locks and switches. People will check or use them multiple times. Many people with OCD will choose a specific number and focus on that number when they perform these tasks multiple times.
  • Tapping or Word Repetition - Those with OCD often find themselves highly anxious. The coping mechanism is often tapping their fingers or saying certain things over and over. This relaxes those with OCD. Once again, a specific number may be involved. Tapping especially often has numerical connotations.
  • “Hoarding” - Many people who suffer from OCD are often prone to collecting old items that are useless, but they feel may be important to their future. These people often have obsessive thoughts that are similar to a need to always have the right tool or a fear of missing something they will need in the future.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Treatment

Since OCD can have so many different forms, it’s often very difficult to diagnose. However, once it is diagnosed, there tends to be two different types of treatments that are given to these people. The first treatment option is psychotherapy. Many people’s OCD is driven by internal fears. Therapy is a great way for people with OCD to face those fears in a controlled way. This type of exposure therapy is called “Exposure and Response Prevention” therapy.

When therapy isn’t enough, the next treatment method is medication. Medication does not offer a cure, but often will help reduce the symptoms, especially feelings of anxiety. There are many different medications that may be used for OCD. Which one is right for the person will often depend on their age and which symptoms they are manifesting.