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Know Your Medical Needles and Injection Supply Needs

Treatments for diseases and illnesses come in many different forms. Topical creams allow people to treat issues on the skin. Most treatments these days come in pill form and spread out internally from the stomach area. For treatments that are needed under the skin, injections are often required.

Medical needles allow people to directly apply treatments directly into the body. Needles have been a part of medical treatment for a long time and while many people may not like them, they are pretty good at doing what they need to do. Needles perform a vital function of bypassing the skin. They allow direct site medication to be received without any issues.

Diabetic Needs

Diabetics needles are one of the most common type of medical needles out there. There are various types of diabetic needles. Advances continued to be made over the basics as new injection methods were created.

The basic type of diabetic needle is made up of three parts. It has a plunger, a barrel and the needle. The barrel has high quality markings to indicate the amounts of hormone to be injected. The plunger and needle are used to withdraw the hormone from a vial and then inject into the chosen site. Most diabetic injections are made through the stomach or their butt.

There are also automatic spring injectors. These injectors allow you to dial up the amount of hormone to be injected, and then merely press a button to have it dispensed. These are incredibly clever devices. Rather than using traditional needles, these injectors use disposable screw on needles. These are used for a single injection before they are discarded (As all needles should be). These make for convenient and very accurate injections.

Hypodermic Needles

There are many people who see hypodermic needles as something that drug users manage to use. Of course this is foolish. A hypodermic needle merely consists of a hollow tube attached to the needle.

The history of hypodermic needles is actually fairly interesting. They have been created since the mid 1850’s and after the move from steel to glass, they became more available to the public. It took a while however for the modern disposable needles to become commonplace. Until the 1950’s, needles were simply sterilised and used again. Needles are microscopically sharp. When they are used to pierce through skin for the first time, there is a dulling of the needle. This means every reuse becomes more painful. That’s part of why the myth of needles being incredibly painful came about.

While many needles are used for injections, hypodermic needles can also be used to remove things from the body as well. This is important because they are the cornerstone of blood testing. Blood work uses needles that are designed to be injected and then allow blood to flow out as long as there is a container attached. The containers can be swapped out and the blood flow stops each time. This allows technicians to take multiple different blood samples without having to inject multiple sites.

Needle Disposal

One of the trickiest parts of needles is their proper disposal. Due to the nature of bloodborne diseases, accidents have happened in the past. People have had diseases transmitted to them through accidental needle pricks.

Proper needle disposal is done through the use of “sharps” containers. These containers are specifically designed to deflect needles. They are developed so that nothing can deflect off of the container when placed in and bounce back in any fashion. Once mostly full, the containers are taken to proper disposal centers.