For most people, when the body is struck by something, it can bruise. If the skin is cut, it can bleed. The body still tries to avoid this from happening whenever possible of course, but it’s a natural reaction to injury. However, for some people, it is far too easy for them to end up bruised or bleeding easily. In some cases, this is caused by immune thrombocytopenic purpura.
This condition more commonly is referred to as immune thrombocytopenia, or simply ITP. The body has very low level of platelets when it suffers from ITP. These are the important cells that help the blood clot when the skin is breached. This condition can often be recognized by purple and red dots on the skin. While it can sometimes have a mild form, severe causes can require moderate to invasive levels of treatment!
Causes of and Risk Factors of Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura
Typically, people suffer from ITP due to mistakes made by the immune system. Normally the immune system is busy destroying invading germs, bacteria and viruses within the body. Sometimes, the immune system will accidentally target something it shouldn’t. When it comes to ITP, the immune system is targeting platelets. These little cells clot blood and make it function properly.
What causes the immune system to go off the rails? Often, people may find things go wrong if they suffer from HIV. There are also some other bacteria that can cause it in adults. The same bacteria that can cause stomach ulcers can be a known issue. Children can also get ITP. Typically, their immune system mistakes platelets for invaders after teh child has undergone a viral illness like the flu or the mumps.
Some people are more at risk than others for getting ITP if they suffer from these issues or others. Young women are particularly susceptible to ITP. People who have diseases like lupus, rheumatoid arthritis or antiphospholipid syndrome may be more likely to get ITP.
Symptoms of Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura
In some cases, if platelet levels aren’t too low the symptoms of ITP may not be that obvious. However, unlike some conditions, when the symptoms do occur, they are fairly obvious and easy to stop. Unsurprisingly, they tend to deal with the blood acting incorrectly. Symptoms include:
- Petechiae - These are red and purple spots that occur on the body. It’s actually a sign of superficial bleeding that occurs under the surface of the skin. It’s often confused for a rash and is common in the lower legs.
- Bruising - Specifically, people with ITP will bruise very easily, or in excessively large amounts for a small impact.
- Excessive Bleeding - This symptom tends to occur from the gums when one is flossing or brushing their teeth, or from the nose when it has been hit or becomes too dry.
- Blood in Stool/Urine - This uncomfortable symptom can be more than slightly uncomfortable when it’s discovered.
- Heavy Flow - Many women may discover that they suffer from a surprisingly large and heavy period of menstruation.
Treating Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura
As previously discussed briefly, light cases may not require much in the way of treatment. Children especially may improve without receiving treatment in light cases of ITP. Adults will more often require treatment.
Typically, the first treatment will revolve around medication. As often as medications will be taken to increase platelet production, it’s very possible that people may be taking medications which are keeping platelet production from going ahead normally. Doctors may discover some simple over the counter medications that are inhibiting normal platelet production.
Severe cases can potentially overcome medications. In these cases, surgery may be required. Specifically, surgery to remove the spleen from the body. The spleen is the main culprit in platelet destruction. Once it’s removed, then the platelet levels should rise once again. Unsurprisingly, there can be consequences for removing a vital organ, but for many, that's worth it. In emergency situations where ITP causes dangerous levels of bleeding, transfusions of blood and platelet concentrates can be used to stabilize the blood and body.