main of Bursitis Can Affect Any of the Many Bursa Sacs in the Body

Bursitis Can Affect Any of the Many Bursa Sacs in the Body

Once the inflammation or irritation of a bursa happens, bursitis occurs. A bursa is a closed sac full of fluid and cushions the body tissues, such as bones, tendons,  muscles, and skin in times of friction. Most of the main bursae are found close to the main joints in the human body, like shoulders, knees, and hips. Although bursitis is a short-term condition, it is dangerous because it reduces motion in human beings. The condition is usually common among individuals above 40 years because the older someone gets; the tendons are not able to contain stress. Since bursitis is not very popular, most people do not understand how it works and how to manage it. However, in this article, all the information related to this condition will be at the readers' disposal.

Causes of Bursitis

Trauma is a significant cause of the condition through repetitive injuries. Minor trauma that mainly occurs on the shoulder as a result of repetitive motion causes chronic bursitis. An excellent example of people who may suffer from chronic bursitis is people who throw cricket balls regularly. On the other hand, acute bursitis occurs when someone bangs their knee by mistake into a rough surface. Once blood leaks into the bursa, the person begins to swell.

When bursae are close to the skin's surface, they are likely to get infected by bacteria, hence causing septic bursitis. Staphylococcus epidermidis is the bacteria that leads to septic bursitis. Additionally, people who suffer from alcoholism, diabetes, and kidney conditions are at a higher risk of getting septic bursitis. More than 80% of septic bursitis cases occur in men.

People who suffer from rheumatoid diseases such as gout are likely to suffer from bursitis due to the crystal deposits. Inflammation eventually causes bursitis when the crystals accumulate in a bursa.

Symptoms of Bursitis

Usually with bursitis, someone starts feeling pain in the joints. The joints are where the bones in a human body meet. Some of the crucial joints in the body include knees, elbows, hips, and shoulders. Joint pain comes in different forms, such as aches, soreness, and discomfort. People need to understand that not all joint pains require hospital visits. However, when the pain persists for a while, the patient might need to visit a doctor.

When the joints start swelling, someone might be suffering from bursitis. Soft tissues surround joints in the human body. Therefore, when fluid fills these tissues, someone begins to swell, and pain and stiffness follow. People are advised to visit the hospital once their joints begin swelling at an abnormal rate.

When someone's skin starts turning red, there might be different causes, and bursitis is one of them. The leading cause is that more blood rushes to the skin's surface to help in the healing process. Additionally, some people turn red after a hard workout session. Someone does not need to visit a doctor when their skin turns red, but they might feel uncomfortable. It is essential to find out the reason for redness early enough before it becomes severe.

Management and Treatment of Bursitis

In most cases, bursitis heals itself. However, if it stays longer than expected, here are some measures to undertake:

  1. Medication. In a situation where an infection brings inflammation, a doctor might prescribe some antibiotics.
  2. Therapy. Since bursitis attacks weak muscles, patients are advised to perform physical exercises to strengthen their muscles and prevent the condition from recurring.
  3. Injections. If the patient is in extreme pain on the shoulder or hip, they can get an injection to relieve the pain. Since the drug is powerful, a patient only needs a single injection to feel better.
  4. Surgery. Sometimes the inflammation on the bursa becomes extreme, and it has to be taken out through surgery.