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What Does Your Genetic Code Tell You About Genetic Disorders?

If there’s one thing that we can’t change, it’s our genetic makeup. Our genetics have determined everything about our physical makeup. Our eyes and hair color are just two of the many things that our genetics choose for us. Depending on our ancestors, there are things hidden within our genetic code that we just can’t get around.

Many people feature a disposition to various genetic disorders. It’s not through anything they did, but it’s simply through the building blocks that created us as people. However there are often many negative issues that are buried in our genes. Genetic disorders are potentially buried in all of our human coding. Some people choose to explore their DNA before it becomes a factor later in life.

Genetic Testing

One of the newer ways that people have been anticipating potential genetic disorders is by getting genetic testing done. There are casual and serious genetic screenings that can be done.

Typically there are three different types of genetic testing that can be formed to determine your genetic makeup and see if you potentially are at risk of a genetic disorder. The types of genetic tests are:

  • Molecular Genetic Tests - These study specific genes or sections of DNA to try to determine if there are any mutations that are precursors of genetic disorders.
  • Biochemical Genetic Tests - These study activity levels of proteins.  They also study how much of a specific protein is contained within a body. These tests can indicate if there’s an issue with the DNA and possible genetic disorders.
  • Chromosomal Genetic Tests - Unsurprisingly, these tests analyze the bodies chromosomes. These are the long strands of DNA. Like the other tests, it’s looking for mutations that will suggest a potential genetic disorder.

It’s important to know that sometimes there are consequences of genetic testing. Some insurance companies require you to disclose any genetic testing you have had completed on you for their plans. This can affect how much you owe if you prove to have a predisposition to a genetic disorder.

Hereditary Diseases

As mentioned there are many diseases and disorders that are caused by genetics. Here are some of the diseases that can potentially be caused:

  • Haemophilia - Haemophiliacs struggle in life because their blood doesn’t clot correctly. If they ever any sort of accident or cut, it can actually be somewhat life threatening, especially in an emergency situation if it’s not identified to emergency services quickly.
  • Sickle Cell Anaemia - This disease is very common in both North America and Africa. This disease affects the red blood cells and doesn’t allow them to get as much oxygen as they normally would.
  • Cystic Fibrosis - This is a very common genetic disease. Cystic Fibrosis affects the lungs, pancreas, liver and also the intestines!

Chromosomal Disorders

There are a lot of chromosomal disorders that can potentially be an issue. Obviously these are caused by a mutation or incorrect grouping of chromosomes within a person’s DNA. Here are some of the most common Chromosomal Disorders:

  • Down Syndrome - Down syndrome is one of the most well known of the possible chromosomal disorders.
  • Williams Syndrome- This is a very rare disorder caused by missing part or all of chromosome 7. These people struggle with cardiovascular issues due to missing the elastin gene. .
  • Turner Syndrome - Turner syndrome has an incomplete X chromosome. These people will always develop as female. Females with the syndrome are smaller since they lack some of the growth characteristics of the X chromosome.