main of As Men Age, They Should Beware Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

As Men Age, They Should Beware Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

No matter how hard men work to keep their body in perfect shape, there are some consequences of getting older. There are many men who do everything they can to ensure that they are healthy. However, as a man grows older, they have to deal with certain issues. One of these is the prostate. The prostate grows larger as men age. There’s nothing that stops that. However when it’s growing too much too quickly, this is known as benign prostatic hyperplasia.

Since the prostate surrounds the urethra, as it enlarges, this squeezes off and tightens the opening in the urethra. This causes a lot of issues with urination or ejaculation. Many people with BPH may find themselves waking up numerous times every night as they go to the restroom repeatedly due to the BPH. Thankfully BPH is pretty common. There is a lot that can be done so that people can try to treat it and avoid letting it damage parts of their lives.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Symptoms

It’s good to know that BPH is not prostate cancer. Many people get that confused. The truth is the prostate is a prime target for cancer and it’s very common in men, but BPH does not mean someone will get cancer. There are several symptoms that can let you know that you may be suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia. Here are the symptoms to look out for:

  • Urine Flow Issues - these issues can manifest in multiple ways. It can be difficult for many men to begin to urinate. When they do manage to urinate, the stream is very weak or it’s interrupted. When urination is complete, there may be issues with urine dribbling out afterwards as well.
  • Having to urinate constantly - Urinating more than 8 times each day is a sign that things are not working correctly in there and a symptom of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
  • False Need to Urinate - One of the key symptoms is a feeling like you need to urinate even when you really have no need to.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Causes

Doctors are still investigating the exact causes of benign prostatic hyperplasia. The enlargement of the prostate over time is postulated currently to be caused by the change in hormones as a man ages. However this is currently just a hypothesis for the most part. It seems likely, but hasn’t been proven to be the cause as of yet.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Treatments

Like many illnesses, the best treatments for benign prostatic hyperplasia is a customized treatment that is planned specifically by an individual’s doctor. There’s a reason for that. Everyone reacts a little differently to the symptoms and to the treatments.

There is typically three different methods of treatment. The first is lifestyle changes and observation. It’s possible that changing aspects of a person's lifestyle may change how the BPH is reacting. The second option is to try out various medications or supplements. These work to reduce the swelling and pressure on the urethra. Finally if things grow too bad, the final option is surgery. A doctor may go in to redirect things to ensure that men are able to urinate normally once again.